Monday, February 23, 2015

Celebrating President's Day

Students had a blast learning and celebrating President's Day this week! 

They really enjoyed listening to "Grace for President", "Duck for President" and "My Teacher for President."  I highly recommend these books for entertainment as well as educational purposes. Each book highlights an important issue such as the election process. I read each book twice throughout the week and then on Friday we held an election. Students had to fill out a ballot of who they believed would be the best president; Grace, Duck or Teacher. It was a great hands-on experience for the children. They had to fill out a voter registration card, vote using a ballot, place ballot in a ballot box and then tally and graph the results. 

Students also created crafts such as a George Washington mask, George Washington timeline mobile and a "Vote for ME" poster. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

We had so much fun working on our math and language skills this week! They really enjoyed the Valentine's Day themed books. One of their favorites was, "There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Rose." This is not only enjoyable to listen to, but it's also a great book for working on story sequence. If you want to purchase this story sequence resource, click here! This resource also includes a nice graphing and tally mark activity using spinners and dice. 

I also used three other Valentine's Day resources. One of my favorites is through the Moffatt Girls. I feel like I own almost all of their items. They truly are one of my go-to resources, love them! I purchased the kindergarten and first grade lessons due to my student's levels. The other resource I used is also great for kindergarten level students. :)

Enjoying a healthy strawberry and chocolate snack!

Making Valentine's Day necklaces... 

Monday, February 9, 2015

February Books!

"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift." — Kate DiCamillo

I love sharing my love for reading with my students. I was so excited to get these books, that when I spotted the mail carrier I immediately wanted to ask for my package. 

This month we are focusing on Valentine's Day, President's Day, once upon a time stories, foods from farm and living/nonliving things. I also ordered a very special book that was requested by my students, "I Need My Monster." I highly recommend checking out the retelling of this book on Storylineonline! :)

Winter Projects!

Picture Perfect...

Students had a great time creating their own winter themed picture frame. I printed several different group pictures and let students pick their favorite photo to add to their custom frame. I heard several "I love today!" and laughs while they worked! 

Snow Globe Fun

This has always been one of my favorite winter projects. I love watching students get so excited to see themselves inside a winter wonderland. It's also a very easy project to complete. :) 

Materials Needed: Glycerin, water, glitter, laminator, hot glue gun and a medium-sized jar. 

Steps: Laminate picture of student, glue picture to lid using hot glue gun, add glycerin and glitter to jar, fill jar with water and then securely put the lid on the jar.