Friday, July 18, 2014

Always Proud!

I adore all of my students dearly! They are so pure and make me enjoy every minute of my day with them. No matter how big or small their accomplishment is, I am always VERY proud of them. I cherish every moment I get with them and am so thankful I get to inspire their life daily!

Working on our patterns...

Completing letter-sound packets...

Rewarding AWESOME work! (more pictures coming soon!!)

Fitness Fun!

This week we enjoyed an exciting fitness class! We learned that eating well, getting exercise and sleeping were very important to keeping our body healthy. We also discussed the muscles in our body, with primarily focusing on our gluteal muscle. The students had a blast and really enjoyed learning about their muscles and getting fit! :)

Resting our muscles after a busy fitness class!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bubble Mania

Pop! Pop! Pop! 

Children had an absolute blast playing with bubbles today! We watched a fascinating bubble show followed by playing with bubbles. :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Birthday USA!

Throughout the week we read books, sang songs, created crafts and watched videos to learn why people celebrate America's birthday. :) 

Craft time...

We made fireworks using a blowing technique with the paint. Students loved seeing the colors mix to make new colors (primary+secondary). There were a lot of "wows" and "this is awesome!" being said during the craft!

We enjoyed the freedom of being able to play outside!

More Craft Time...

I thought it was important for our children to learn about The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is an important landmark in the US that represents friendship between nations and freedom. It was a gift from France to celebrate America's first 100 years as a nation. :)

Marine Life!

Under the Sea...

We have had a blast learning about patterns, graphing, sentence structure and more with an ocean theme! Students enjoyed demonstrating their skills in front of their peers during our patterns activity. I believe it's extremely important for children to feel comfortable speaking and learning in front of others. Not only does it build self-confidence, it also allows them to practice showing respect for others' opinions and learning styles. 

We created a concept map of what we learned about the ocean! Children loved to add facts as we discovered more and more! They did an excellent job and were very proud of their participation.

WATCH OUT! We're going on a whale watch! :)

Children loved listening and reading this book! After I introduced this book, it was a very hot item in our classroom. One of the many reasons I love reading several books to the children daily. It's so great to spread my love of reading to them. <3

Worked on our sentence structure...

We read and colored a book about the beach!

Graphing, Patterns and Addition... 
