Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ivy Market Experience

To end our unit on farm foods and recognizing and counting money, I created an Ivy Market experience for my students. It was a really fun way to bring a real life experience into the classroom. The students were super excited to use their new money skills to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables. When they finished shopping, they checked out at the register with me. This brought another great learning experience of greeting people. We worked on saying "Hello, how are you?" and responding to "How are you?" 

To start, we reviewed the value of each coin and dollar. Each student received a $1.00 bill, $5.00 bill, five pennies, two nickels, two dimes and two quarters. As they went shopping they had to keep their budget in mind as well as be responsible for holding onto their money. Once they finished shopping, they came to the register and I assisted them in counting all of their goods. To differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each child, some children had to purchase one item at a time while others were able to buy more at a time. One student wanted to work at Ivy Market to make money so they could continue shopping. 

Students had a blast completing this activity! Their first question was, "Can we do this again  soon teacher?"

Once they finished shopping for their fruit and vegetables, students used the fresh farm food to make sculptures. After building, they were able to eat their creation. 


Solids and Liquids...

We read a poem that described what a solid and liquid were and then looked in a grocery store ad to determine if each item was a liquid or a solid. After I felt students understood what each were, we made carrot juice! During this process we examined how the carrots turned from a solid to a liquid. 

Ingredients: Organic carrots and filtered water

Thank you so much to my amazing parents for donating fresh food to our classroom. I truly appreciate all the support each and every day! :) 


1.1.N Name a variety of healthy foods and explain why they are necessary for good health
1.5 Identify and know the value of coins and show different combinations of coins that equal the same value.