Thursday, August 21, 2014

Graphing the Morning Away!

Today our math skill focused on graphing. I have found in my past teaching experiences that students really enjoy graphing. They are able to easily understand the concept of looking at data, organizing it with charts and graphs and then answering questions based on what they gathered. We worked on this activity as a class since it was our first time working with this skill. I'm very confident that most students could complete this with very little assistance next time. Go IVY students!! :) 

Word Work

Teaching children to recognize sounds of letters is one of the essential foundational skills for reading success! We practice this skill daily and today we worked as a class to complete our word work activity. I wanted us to practice recognizing the sequence of letters in words and then match the sequence of words to a picture. We completed this activity together on the whiteboard and then they completed it by themselves. While they were working independently I monitored and helped students who needed assistance. Overall, students completed this activity with confidence and I was very pleased with our success. 


Your name is beautiful...

I introduced this book to our students on Monday and every day since they have asked for me to read it to them. (I love this!!) This book is an excellent book for discussing teasing, self-esteem and acceptance! After we read, we talked about the different emotions Chysanthemum felt throughout the book and how her friends at school should have treated Chysanthmum. 

Click here to listen to the story!

After we read this book we created our own flowers using paint, q-tips and forks! We used forks and q-tips to add different textures to our flowers. Students had a great time completing this project!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Time to go Camping at Ivy!

This week our school is going on a camping adventure! Students have brought in their camping equipment and are ready to enjoy a few days of campfire stories, songs, a movie with delicious homemade pizza, popcorn and juice and activities such as fishing, etc.