Our class has worked extremely hard all summer to master recognizing letters and their sounds. Once I felt our students mastered this skill we moved to the next step in becoming a successful reader! That step is to work on recognizing letter blends (th, ch, sh, etc.) and word families (-at, -an, etc.). Below you will see students completing several different types of activities focusing on letter blends and word families!
One really fun way to work on word families is working with rhyming words! I really like this resource because it provides students with the spelled word as well as the picture.
Another great (and free) resource to use when teaching word families is Starfall. The site is full of interactive activities and stories that improves phonemic awareness. In the activity below, students match the beginning sound to the word by looking at the picture and listening to the word being said. Once they finish matching the beginning letter sound of words they are rewarded with reading a short animated story including words that they practiced! I really like how the site highlights each word of the story so students can begin recognizing words by sight.
Below is another Starfall activity that is for a student who is ready to read. The site offers several different types of genres for children to pick from.

We also worked on our number sequence, addition, subtraction and fact families!
I love using these "Differentiated Instruction Cubes" for math and language lessons. These cubes give you the freedom to insert whatever you want into each side. One student used them by rolling two dice, add the numbers together and color the number it equaled to. Another students used them by rolling one die and coloring the number is equaled to.
I love using songs to teach skip counting. We listened to these songs before and while we completed our skip counting by 2 and 5 activity.
Skip Counting by 2 Video
Skip Counting by 5 Video
We worked on understanding place value of numbers using base ten blocks...
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